Final Fantasy XVI Pre-Launch Celebration – 12 June 2023 – the demo is out same day and launch times!

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XVI pre-launch celebration presentation on 12 June 2023 showed of the new demo, which releases at different times during the day, and a lot of special messages from the development team.

The presentation started with a new demo showing the Eikon’s powers with the soundtrack “Find the Flame”, which was released on Spotify before the released for the game’s release. The show started with a words from the CEO of Square Enix, Takashi Kiryu, a special message from Jim Ryan, Sony’s CEO.

Yoshi-P and Koji Fox then made the stage. Yoshi-P shared that Final Fantasy XVI had been in development by Creative Business Three, the same team working on Final Fantasy XIV. (I thought Koji Fox had a tough time on stage, having to translate and pay attention to everything happening.) The key team members came out, some with the new Ifrit hoodie. The presentation comprised of the following:

  • Eikon Power Showcase
  • Narrative of XVI Panel
  • Music of XVI Panel
  • Closing Messages

It was revealed that Platinum Games and the Kingdom Hearts team had some involvement in the development of Final Fantasy XVI due to their experience with action games.

The demo will contain two hours of prologue gameplay, plus once you complete the prologue you can experience a special battle on the starting screen. The special battle shows off Clive’s abilities when he is older and more experienced. The save data from the demo will transfer to the actual game.

A playable demo is out

You can watch the Final Fantasy XVI Pre-Launch Celebration below:

You can check out my articles on Final Fantasy XVI including its reveal, release window trailer and release date set trailers.

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